What To Do After Acne Scar Removal Treatment In Kolkata

Climate change is a rapid phenomenon these days, even in Kolkata,  which impacts how our skin looks and feels. Teenagers and adults suffer from acne now, more than ever. Blemish scars and pimples truly impact our daily lives, making us feel miserable when we look in the mirror. Do you also feel awkward during social gatherings due to your acne scars? Luckily, there is a solution! Acne scar removal treatments in Kolkata have made lots of acne sufferers regain their lost confidence. 

Acne Scar Removal Treatments

In Kolkata, there are several acne scar removal treatments offered by clinics, and here are some of them. 

1. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is the first step of laser resurfacing treatment. In this form of treatment, your specialist removes the top layer of your skin by using a round brush in circular motions. Dermabrasion completely removes surface-level scars and deeper scars are lightened. To truly remove the deeper acne scars, we move on to the next treatment. 

2. Laser Resurfacing

After a round of dermabrasion, doctors go in for a round of laser resurfacing treatment. Laser treatment targets the deepest acne scars and is a specialty at Kaayakalp. Laser resurfacing treatment, as the name suggests, is a procedure that uses lasers to lighten targeted areas of the skin. 

3. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a popular acne scar removal treatment in Kolkata. Doctors will make you go through sittings of chemical peels. You’ll only have to go through one siting of a deep chemical peel. Other sitings will consist of medium and mild chemical peels for maintenance. 

4. BB Glow 

This treatment is the least invasive procedure on this list. It’s a new, trendy skintone-evening treatment in Kolkata that can fight your acne scar problem. The process involves injecting makeup pigments into your skin. BB glow treatments make your skin look even-toned and boost collagen in your skin. The results of a BB glow treatment can last for about 6 months. 

What to Do After Acne Scar Removal Treatments

Acne scar removal treatments can help you regain your lost confidence, but here are some tips for a speedy recovery. 

a). Sunscreen is the Best Protection 

After chemical peels, dermabrasion, or laser resurfacing treatments, your skin is a lot more sensitive to the Sun. We suggest using sunscreen regularly, even if you are inside the house because harmful rays can enter your home through windows. You must use SPF 50 sunscreens after any acne scar removal procedure and reapply every two hours. 

b). Aloe Vera is a Saviour 

Aloe vera gel greatly helps in calming down your skin, especially after acne scar removal treatments. Whether you buy a gel or utilize your very own aloe vera plant, we suggest keeping the gel in the fridge for extra relief. Aloe vera gel calms and soothes your skin while hydrating it so it’s ready for your next session!

c). Heavy Workouts Are a No-Go 

After any medical procedure, you need to give your body rest and skin treatments are the same. Heavy workouts bring intense blood circulation to your skin which doesn’t let it heal properly post-procedure. 

d). Medicated Moisturizer is the Way to Go

Your skin’s barrier needs extra care right now, so you need to keep it moisturized and hydrated. We suggest using a light layer of petroleum jelly along with your moisturizer. This is called “slugging” and helps people maintain and protect their skin barrier. We suggest that you ask your doctor for recommendations for pharmacy moisturizers to ensure that your skin is protected.  

e). Vitamin C

Vitamin-C-rich foods can help boost collagen in your skin. This will help your skin recover from the acne scar removal treatments better for a speedy recovery. 

The Bottom Line 

Acne truly affects our self-esteem, and scar removal or pimple treatment can restore your lost confidence. So, no more hiding under layers of makeup or shying away from conversations, let Kaayakalp help you redefine your radiance! Availing of acne scar treatments can restore the lost smile on your face.

Also, read our other blog: An Expert’s Guide To Acne Scar Removal In Kolkata

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