Getting Breast Augmentation? Keep These 7 Things In Mind

Breast augmentation can help you become more self-confident but every cosmetic surgery has its fair share of baggage. So know these things before you opt for a breast implant procedure and make an informed decision.

1. Manage Your Expectations

You must get a lid on your expectations before you book a consultation with a plastic surgeon. This means discarding any idea you might have of what breast augmentation would mean for you. The surgeon, being the expert, would take measurements and suggest the size of the implants and incision location. Of course, your unique needs will be considered before arriving at any decision. But if you have seen a particular procedure work for someone, remember that you are different, so the same may not work for you. Your doctor will work with you and suggest treatments that will be the best for your problem.

2. Know What To Expect From the Procedure

A common question many women have is how they will look after undergoing breast augmentation. To have a clear idea, visit the doctor and have a one-to-one conversation. Dr Rathore has years of experience in cosmetic breast surgery and knows what works best for people. You can get ideas from Google but an in-person consultation can put all your doubts to rest.

3. Be Ready For Further Breast Revisions in the Future

Though breast implants today last longer than they did in the past, they most certainly cannot last for a lifetime. In all probabilities, you will have to undergo revisions or replacements in the future. Breast implants are designed so that you can get on normally with your activities. However, too much exercise or wrong exercise or excessive physical work can lead to leaks or cause breast implants to get dislodged from their normal state. So set an appointment with your doctor if you feel even slightly uncomfortable or sense something is not just quite right.

4. Go Light On Exercising

During the recovery period, it is recommended that you keep physical activity at low levels. Immediately after the breast augmentation procedure, take a break from exercising. Go for regular check-ups or as suggested by your doctor so that he can determine that you are on the right track. Proper healing is very important as it enables you to return to your normal routine as soon as possible.

5. Your Breasts Might Sit High In Your Chest Immediately After The Procedure

The implants are placed in the chest, pushing the tissues up. So, for the first few weeks after the surgery, you can feel like your breasts are sitting high up on the chest. But within a few weeks, the bottom part fills out, returning you to normalcy.

6. Nipple Sensitivity Might Change

Your nipples might feel numb or might be feeling too sensitive; both are common occurrences after breast augmentation. The nerves that lead to your nipples are stretched, causing hyper or hypo-sensitive nipples. Now it could be temporary or long-lasting so if you have any concerns either before or after the surgery, speak to your doctor.

7. Avoid Push-Up Padded and Underwire Bras

These can obstruct healing and lead to complications so it is better that you avoid them for some time after the procedure.


Breast augmentation can change your life for the better but for that, you must know the risks and limitations before going under the knife. These 7 points ensure that you have a clear idea of what you can expect. To ensure that the procedure is safe and successful, discuss any concerns that you might have with the surgeon.

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