Hair Transplant Recovery: Dos And Dont’s For Optimal Results

Around 90% to 95% of hair transplant surgeries are successful with the right expert guidance. That means most of the hair that's transplanted grows back like normal. Taking good care of your hair afterward is super important. If you don't follow the instructions, it will take a little longer for your scalp to heal the process properly.

In this article, we've put together this helpful guide. We'll share some expert tips to make your recovery period smoother, ensuring your hair transplant journey ends successfully.

Hair Transplant Aftercare: 8 Essential Tips for Opulence

It's important to take proper care of your scalp for optimal results. Here are some key steps to follow:

1. Follow your surgeon's instructions

They will provide specific post-operative guidelines that you should adhere to carefully to prevent complications.

2. Take your prescribed medications

Your doctor may prescribe some useful medication for a better healing process prominently and reduce pain and inflammation. 

3. Get plenty of rest

Your body needs to relax in this recovery period. Resting as much as possible in the next few days of your treatment, give your body ample amount of time to recuperate.

4. Drink plenty of fluids

You need to be hydrated to the greatest extent. Drink plenty of water and fluid to get to heal and promote a quicker recovery.

5. Sleep with your head raised

Elevate your head at a 45-degree angle at bedtime or more for the first week after surgery to help reduce swelling and foster wound healing.

6. Be gentle when washing

Wait a couple of days before washing your hair, then use a mild shampoo, and be careful not to scratch or rub your scalp.

7. Avoid the sun

Protect your treated scalp from the sun for at least two weeks after the process to prevent harmful damage.

8. Eat well

A balanced diet routine gives you healthy hair growth, so focus on consuming nutritious foods in your regular diet plan.

hair transplant

6 Important Activities Should Avoid After Your Hair Transplant

  1. Don't wash your hair right after the surgery. Wait at least two days before gently washing it. Be careful not to rub too hard on your scalp.
  1. Avoid scratching your scalp for a few days. Touching the scalp area too much can slow down the process of healing.
  1. Do not wear any type of caps for the first 10 to 15 days after the transplant. This gives the newly transplanted hairs time to settle without pressure.
  1. Alcohol and smoking can dehydrate you, which isn't good for recovery. So say no to smoking and drinking 5 to 10 days after the procedure. 
  1. Hold off on using hairstyling products for at least four weeks. They often have strong chemicals that can impede the transplant's success.
  1. Don't get a haircut. Wait at least a month before considering it after the procedure.

Your Hair Journey at The Kaayakalp: What to Expect on Procedure Day

On the day of your hair transplant procedure at The Kaayakalp, we sort your comfort and satisfaction every step of the way. Let's talk about what you can expect from us:

  • As long as you arrive at the clinic, our team with a friendly approach will welcome you to help you feel at ease. You'll have a chance to go over the procedure once more with your surgeon. We understand that relaxation is key, so we provide options like music, TV shows, and aromatherapy to help you unwind.
  • To ensure your comfort, you'll receive tablets and numbing injections before we begin extracting hair follicles from the donor area on your head. These follicles are carefully preserved and prepared for transplantation. 
  • When it's time to transplant the hair, we'll mark out the desired hairline or area for new growth, ensuring it meets your expectations. The targeted area of your scalp will be numbed again before we start implanting the follicles. Each one is placed with precision to match your natural hair direction and density, setting the stage for the desired hairstyle to flourish in the future.

Recovery Time After Hair Transplant Surgery

Later than hair transplant surgery, you'll start noticing changes right away. But, because the donor area will be healing, it might not look great at first. Don't worry, though – things will improve as you recover. You might have some swelling, but it usually goes away within 5 to 7 days. 

Even though you can go back to work soon after the procedure, it's best to take a few days off to let your body recover properly and to protect your new hair from any harsh conditions. 

For a Final Thought...

After a hair transplant, taking good care of your hair properly is crucial to see the optimal results. Follow the steps provided above to ensure your hair transplant heals well and looks great. Whether you experience any issues or discomfort, don't hesitate to reach out to your surgeon right away.

If you're searching for a trusted place for hair transplants in the city of joy, Kolkata, look no further than Kaayakalp. Led by Dr. V.S. Rathore, you can trust our team to help you regain your hair and your confidence.