Silicone Breast Implants: Advantages And Disadvantages
Choosing the right breast implant is the first step toward your breast augmentation surgery. Your surgeon makes the final call. But, knowledge about the different types of breast implants can help you become more involved in the approach.
Breast implants of silicone are unanimously the most common choice of patients and surgeons alike. Despite other types of implant material, why do these breast implants top the charts?
We will find that out. In this blog, we will tell you why silicone breast implants have an edge over other breast implant materials.

Why silicone implants are better?
The advantages of silicone breast implants are listed below. The following points will tell you why they are better than other breast implants material.
1. Lightweight:
Breast implants made of a silicone feel lighter than other breast implants. Especially for working women, this feature is a must.
2. Maintains shape:
Being lightweight, silicone breast implants are not affected by gravity as much as saline breast implants. Hence, they do not wrinkle.
Moreover, the cohesive silicone gel remains firm, thus maintaining the shape of the breasts.
3. Natural look:
Patients often ask us, “Can silicone breasts look natural?” Our answer is, it looks the most natural! Most silicone implants are pear-shaped. This is the classical appearance of breasts.
A silicone implant is 80% pre-filled with silicone gel. The space remaining in the implant allows the gel to accumulate in the lower part due to gravity. This maintains the natural teardrop shape of the breasts.
So, if you want an all-natural look with your breast implants, silicone is the option for you. This is because saline implants are fully round in shape and look fake.
4. Natural feel:
The consistency of silicone gel gives the implants a natural feel to the touch.
5. Firm grip:
Silicone breast implants adhere firmly. This feature is heightened in textured breast implants. The spikes in these modified silicone implants allow scar tissue to grow over them. Hence, it produces a firm attachment. This significantly minimizes the chances of rotation, ensuring that the implant stays just in place.
6. Comfortable:
Most women opting for saline breast implants complain of a constant feeling of the saline water sloshing within the implant. This whirling of saline is often prominent. This causes embarrassing situations in the public.
Silicone for breast implants ensures stability. Hence, it is more comfortable and feels convenient.
7. Limited scar tissue growth:
Silicone breast implants have a lower risk of capsular contracture than their saline counterparts.
8. Flexibility:
Breast implants made of silicone have a flexible design. This means that it is an option that is suitable for a wide range. Persons with little or no native breast tissue can opt for silicone implants. This is not the case with saline breast implants.
Hence, women who have undergone mastectomy or transwomen undergoing their gender reassignment surgery can choose silicone breast implants. What's more, the look is completely natural even when natural breasts are absent!
9. Effects of rupture:
If a saline implant ruptures, it deflates instantly. The saltwater is absorbed by the body. This negates any health hazard. But if the rupture is in public, it can be uneasy for a woman.
However, if a silicone implant ruptures, the immediate effect is not at all obvious. The silicone gel stays in one place. The rupture is not detected for a long time.
10. Non-toxic:
Implants made up of silicone are inert substances and non-toxic for the body.

What are the cons of silicone implants?
Before you finalize silicone breast implants for augmenting your breast size, you need to be aware of the disadvantages too.
1. Bigger scar:
Silicone breast implants are pre-filled by the manufacturer. Hence, a bigger incision is required for inserting them into the breast tissue.
A comparatively smaller incision is sufficient for saline implant insertion. This is because saline implants are empty and filled with saline by the surgeon after implantation.
However, the incision of breast augmentation surgeries is usually on the lower part of the breast. The scar is hidden by the fold of the breast.
2. No on-spot changes:
Since silicone implants are pre-filled, on-spot modifications are not possible by the surgeon. Sometimes this is required to maintain the symmetry of both breasts.
3. Silent rupture:
If silicone implants rupture, they usually remain undetected. This helps in preventing public embarrassment. However, it has a downside. Although silicone gel is inert and poses no harm to the body, it may migrate to surrounding areas. As a result, silicone clumps may cause breast pain. There may be lump formations in the surrounding areas and hardening of the breast.
To prevent migration, gummy bear breast implants are used. It contains a special form of silicone gel which has a higher adhesive property.
4. Age restriction:
These type of implants are available for use to persons aged 22 years and above. So, if your age is between 18-21, saline breast implants are your only choice.
Can silicone breast implants cause problems?
The only problem this implant can cause is a silent rupture. To reduce the effects, the FDA has stated new rules in relation to these implants. Women opting for these implants have to undergo regular breast check-ups under the supervision of their surgeon. It has to be done at an interval of 2-3 years. MRIs have to be done at every check-up to detect any silent rupture.
Breast implants in India:
Kaayakalp is the leading breast implant clinic in India. We use high-quality breast implants that pass through several tests. Our latest technology ensures the best outcome for your breast implant surgery. Our renowned team of breast surgeons is guided by Dr. V. S. Rathore, who has nearly two decades of experience in this field.
For queries related to breast implants made of silicone, contact us today.